Our Partners


Strive to get the most out of your next adventure, understand your body and unleash your potential when it matters.


Fuelling is rarely straight forward. Understand how much fuel, fluid and electrolytes your body needs to help you perform at your best.


Whether your next adventure is scaling a mountain or leading a healthier life, we’ve got you covered with our tailored health assessments.

  • Come and visit our performance lab! Our team specialises in helping people structure their training, train efficiently, and improve their performance when it matters.

    Our VO2max test is our most popular test for helping people transform their training!

  • This is a common challenge for many endurance athletes but is certainly something that can be easily fixed. Our fuel and hydration services aim to work with you so you can ace your fuelling and hydration to get the most out of your training and perform your best on race day!

  • We believe that everyone should live life to the full. In today's fast-paced world, prioritising our health often takes a backseat. Neglecting our health can have serious consequences down the line.

    That's where our tailored health assessments come in - with 3 tiers designed to help you lead a healthier life.

Got questions?

Get in touch with Dan, our Exercise Physiologist.

He’s keen to help you understand how our lab could help you perform at your best.

Boost Your Performance with TrailMed's Performance Lab